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Jon's Blog

My Take On The Festival

By August 2, 2012No Comments

Having praised the Under Construction youth member organisers to the sky last week they returned the complement by deserting me and the festival nerve centre (at Cathays Community Centre) by heading off to festivals and other fun events last weekend. Nevermind, they’re now back on the case and, as Iwrite this, are busy sorting out the line-ups and producing t shirts, programmes and various other bits and pieces.

Stewards training last Friday went well, with big thanks to Ed Townend, but wasn’t all that well attended and I’m a just a little bit nervous about having enough people to support the youth organisers on the day. So if you or anyone you know is interested, get in touch with Jake Takel or Joel Beswick, who are now officially the joint festival co-ordinators (they both read the emails at – or so they tell me).We should be able to squeeze in another training session (no more than an hour). If not, we’d still welcome any help that can be given, and not just on the day. At this late stage, publicity is the main focus so please spread the word, help us flier and do what you can to get yourself, friends and family along on the 11th. 

That’s it, for now….



Author Bud Harper

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