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By Gorffennaf 14, 2013#!31Iau, 25 Gor 2013 16:33:58 +0000p5831#31Iau, 25 Gor 2013 16:33:58 +0000p-4+00:003131+00:00x31 25pm31pm-31Iau, 25 Gor 2013 16:33:58 +0000p4+00:003131+00:00x312013Iau, 25 Gor 2013 16:33:58 +0000334337pmDydd Iau=21#!31Iau, 25 Gor 2013 16:33:58 +0000p+00:007#Gorffennaf 25th, 2013#!31Iau, 25 Gor 2013 16:33:58 +0000p5831#/31Iau, 25 Gor 2013 16:33:58 +0000p-4+00:003131+00:00x31#!31Iau, 25 Gor 2013 16:33:58 +0000p+00:007#No Comments

In the past few weeks we have been represented at the battle of the bands Finals and 2 youth bands came 2nd and 3rd.  


We have also been busking and managed to raise around £70 for the festival.IMG-20130707-00485


We were Successful in getting £500 in a bid to neighbour hood management for a dance tent at the Festival.

Author Bud Harper

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