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Under Construction Music Video Project

By Mai 7, 2013#!31Iau, 18 Gor 2013 13:37:14 +0000p1431#31Iau, 18 Gor 2013 13:37:14 +0000p-1+00:003131+00:00x31 18pm31pm-31Iau, 18 Gor 2013 13:37:14 +0000p1+00:003131+00:00x312013Iau, 18 Gor 2013 13:37:14 +0000371377pmDydd Iau=21#!31Iau, 18 Gor 2013 13:37:14 +0000p+00:007#Gorffennaf 18th, 2013#!31Iau, 18 Gor 2013 13:37:14 +0000p1431#/31Iau, 18 Gor 2013 13:37:14 +0000p-1+00:003131+00:00x31#!31Iau, 18 Gor 2013 13:37:14 +0000p+00:007#No Comments

Under Construction are launching a new music video project!

Are you interested in getting involved – or do you fancy having your band perform in front of the lens? We’re holding regular meeting now, so contact us for more details and come along!





Author Bud Harper

More posts by Bud Harper

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