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Festival Band

By Gorffennaf 25, 2013#!31Maw, 20 Awst 2013 12:40:37 +0000p3731#31Maw, 20 Awst 2013 12:40:37 +0000p-12+00:003131+00:00x31 20pm31pm-31Maw, 20 Awst 2013 12:40:37 +0000p12+00:003131+00:00x312013Maw, 20 Awst 2013 12:40:37 +00004012408pmDydd Mawrth=21#!31Maw, 20 Awst 2013 12:40:37 +0000p+00:008#Awst 20th, 2013#!31Maw, 20 Awst 2013 12:40:37 +0000p3731#/31Maw, 20 Awst 2013 12:40:37 +0000p-12+00:003131+00:00x31#!31Maw, 20 Awst 2013 12:40:37 +0000p+00:008#No Comments

The Festival is fast approaching and we only have a few spaces left so enter now before all spaces go.

We are now very close to the 2013 Under Construction Festival and are almost there but we we still need bands to come forward who can play. ( we have two stages we have the main stage for full bands and then we have the acoustic stage for smaller acts of light music acts)…

 so here is an application you can put in to have a chance to play the festival this year.

Name of Artist:

Name of Contact:

Telephone number:

Age (of all members):

Brief Band Biography (Around 50 words – please use this to list notable achievements, music type/genre, or anything else about your act that we might find interesting):

Attach a photo of your act if you have one.

Once completed email to :  

Author Bud Harper

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