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Jon's Blog

Jon’s first ever blog post

By Gorffennaf 26, 2012#!31Maw, 31 Gor 2012 12:57:22 +0000p2231#31Maw, 31 Gor 2012 12:57:22 +0000p-12+00:003131+00:00x31 31pm31pm-31Maw, 31 Gor 2012 12:57:22 +0000p12+00:003131+00:00x312012Maw, 31 Gor 2012 12:57:22 +00005712577pmDydd Mawrth=21#!31Maw, 31 Gor 2012 12:57:22 +0000p+00:007#Gorffennaf 31st, 2012#!31Maw, 31 Gor 2012 12:57:22 +0000p2231#/31Maw, 31 Gor 2012 12:57:22 +0000p-12+00:003131+00:00x31#!31Maw, 31 Gor 2012 12:57:22 +0000p+00:007#No Comments

OK here’s Jon’s first ever blog

For those that don’t know me, I’m the manager of Cathays Community Centre, have been there for several centuries doing all sorts of jobs but my proudest achievement is as a youth worker who stumbled into helping create Cathays Youth Music Project at the back end of the last century.

This has now become the Under Construction youth music project (via Cardiff Soundscene) that meets as an organising group and youth club every Sunday afternoon, and other times, and is probably best known for the youth member led organisation of the all day free annual festival at Maindy. They also have run battles of the bands, gigs, a radio station and other wonderful events and projects over the last few years.

I’m probably known for being a sort of non politically correct type of youth worker though in reality I do believe in everyone having equal rights and the active empowerment of all sections of the community; it’s just that you’ve got see through the fog of heavy irony (or is it sarcasm?). But I’ll keep all that to those who know where I’m really coming from and try to avoid the worst of my appalling jokes in this blog.

So… it’s a long overdue massive thank you to the young people and staff who work for Under Construction. I could name names, but you know who you are and I’m sure to leave some of you out if I start a list.

Finally, please, please, please come to the festival on the 11th August – It’s free, it’s noisy, it’s a fun day out and you’ll make a lot of dedicated young people who’ve worked hard all year to put on the day very happy indeed . They deserve it and you deserve the experience!




Author Bud Harper

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